Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Le Réduit

Panorama 1_2

As seen from above…
Location: -20.236384,57.496841


Panorama 2_2

UOM & Port Louis – Moka Range
Larger size – 3.8MB


Panorama 3_2

Beau Bassin – Rose Hill – Ébène
Larger size – 4.3MB


Panorama 4_2

Plaine Wilhems
Larger size – 4.2MB


Panorama 5_2

Larger size – 3MB


  1. I wonder from where you did take those awesome pictures. But do not answer parce que ce mystere perdra tout son charme :) zli ti lil bien vert XP

  2. @Cags
    Not a secret for any UOM student, but anyway, it's from the Engineering Tower. :)

  3. Okay. I can't wait to discover UOM next year :D

  4. Réduit, Le.

    Moka. Au confluent des Rivières Profonde et Cascade. Résidence des Gouverneurs et Gouverneurs Généraux, aujourd'hui du Président de la République. Université. M.S.I.R.I.
    Le gouverneur Pierre Félix Barthélémy David (1746-1753) y fit construire en 1748 un réduit, où replier femmes et enfants en cas d'attaque.

    (Société de l'histoire de l'île Maurice, Dictionnaire toponymique de l'île Maurice (1997), page 34-35.)



    Nom masculin — reduiz, milieu du XIIe s ; latin populaire reductum, “qui est à l'écart” ; d'après réduire.
    1. Vx. Petite pièce retirée.
    4. Vx fortif. Petit ouvrage destiné à assurer une retraite. ◊ Mod. Poche de résistance. Le réduit chrétien au Liban.

    (Le Petit Robert, 2006.)


  5. Pfennig. German penny sign. An old German coin or note, which existed from the 9th century until the introduction of the euro in 2002.₰

  6. Carrot, the Wikipedia page you linked to allowed me to learn something I didn't know about the Indian rupee:

    "The Indian rupee sign was selected through an open competition among Indian residents. The design was presented to the public by the government of India on 15 July 2010. The design of the Indian rupee sign is a combination of the Devanagari letter "र" (ra) and the Latin capital letter "R"."

    So this is a brand new sign, not even one year old. We'll see if it catches up with people. The problem so far is that there is no easy way to type it with a keyboard. What is even worse is that you can't even copy it from elsewhere.

    Time will tell.

  7. @Siganus
    The competition was in the news because of the controversy, as it mimics the €.
    & I have yet to see it replace Rs in major publications.

  8. Its the Engineering favourite place at UOM;)) Great pics btw!
