Sunday, October 10, 2010

Coconut Tree


Went to one of my preferred spots on the beach today to shoot one of my favourite landscapes – this slanting coconut tree.



Sadly, the position of the sun wasn’t very favourable.



& I was struggling to get a horizontal horizon…



Should have waited for the sunset. Above, that’s the view of Trou-aux-Biches. :)


  1. lol. ene zour piment, lot zour coconut tree :P

    to p faire mwa rapel ki 1 fois mo bane camarades ti p dir ki mo blog lo absolument tout. Exemple ki zotte ti prend c si mo truv 1 lerat mort lo simer, mo cpv ekrire 2 pages lo sa haha.

    btw, nxt time faire 1 tour parti lotel victoria. to pu gagne 1 nice la jetee pu tire foto. or ena lezotte place ena sa, parti lotel trou aux biches si, mais akoz li en renovation, pas koner si li la meme :P

  2. @Yashvin
    LOL... Sa mem appel "passion." :P

    Ponton l'hotel TAB, mo penser li enkor la mem... bizin alle fer 1 letour la bas. Sinon, mone deza tire photo 1 ponton - pier. :)
