Thursday, August 12, 2010

Vieille Fille II


More Lantana camara, alias Vieille Fille.



This time, yellow.



& red.



Both of them actually.






  1. Why "vieille fille" by the way ?

  2. @Siganus Sutor
    "Vié fi" to be more precise. Only a botanist can explain its origin. :)

  3. "Une vieille fille" is an aging woman who never got married. It's hard to see what the relation to this flower might be. Traditionally — to me at least — the archetypal "vié fi" is the mauve variety. A link to the fact of being unmarried maybe, a Miss Marple type of link?

  4. @Siganus Sutor
    Or maybe because it always remains flowered...

  5. There are always flowers on lantanas? I don't think it's what I have personally observed. In any case, that would hardly be a reason for calling it "spinster".

    Le mystère continue...

    By the by:
    (Alas, the quality of my photos is miles away from yours. Sometimes it amazes me what your Coolpix can do. I had one once upon a time, but I never managed to take photos like yours, especially close-ups.)

  6. @Siganus Sutor
    Compact cameras are very good at close-ups! :)

  7. Do you think so? I had the impression that my old plain Minolta X300 was much better at that. But I haven't been using it for years, and the lenses must be full of mold today. Somehow I never managed to adapt to the autofocus. The cameras with which I took my first photos had a system whereby you would need to superimpose two images (these were not reflex cameras – I believe they were called "rangefinder cameras"), and I think this system worked pretty well. Modern autofocus cameras (reflex or compact) keep on irritating me to some degree. I suppose I like things manual – though I haven't manipulated a film in pitch darkness for about twenty years now. In a sense I'm a kind of vieille fille. :lol:

  8. @Siganus Sutor
    Try the manual focus of DSLRs. You'll probably love it. :)

  9. DSLR? Ah, "digital single-lens reflex" – thanks Wikipedia! Yes, but these things must cost a bomb in Mauritius, no? (BTW, do you know if old manual Minolta lenses would fit on some of these cameras, the Canon EOS for instance?)

  10. @Siganus Sutor
    Yes, DSLRs are expensive, but they do provide the pleasure of manual control.
    The Minolta lenses uses an MD mount, so you could look for an MD adapter for Canon/Nikon. But it's not worth it, because the lens will probably have bad focus. Maybe it'll be good only for close-ups.

  11. @Siganus Sutor The company behind Minolta has shut down its operations. It is better you invest in a Nikon or Canon. You can enjoy the benefits of the Manual in DSLRs
